* @namespace markerUtils
* @classdesc Work with anything that has to do with markers, take options from the interface
about markers, and create markers
* @property {Array(String)} markerUtils._d3Symbols -
* @property {Array(String)} markerUtils._d3SymbolStrings -
markerUtils = {
//type must be like d3.symbolVoss
_d3Symbols: [d3.symbolCross, d3.symbolDiamond, d3.symbolSquare, d3.symbolTriangle, d3.symbolStar, d3.symbolWye, d3.symbolCircle], // Not used
_symbolStrings: ["cross", "diamond", "square", "triangle up", "star", "clobber", "disc", "hbar", "vbar", "tailed arrow", "triangle down", "ring", "x", "arrow"],
_symbolUnicodes: ["+ cross", "◆ diamond", "■ square", "▲ triangle up", "★ star", "✇ clobber", "● disc", "▬ hbar", "▮ vbar", "➔ tailed arrow", "▼ triangle down", "○ ring", "⨯ x", "> arrow"],
/** Adding piechart legend in the upper left corner */
markerUtils.updatePiechartLegend = function() {
if (document.getElementById("piechartLegend") == undefined) {
let elt = document.createElement("div");
elt.className = "piechartLegend px-1 mx-1 viewer-layer"
elt.id = "piechartLegend"
tmapp['ISS_viewer'].addControl(elt,{anchor: OpenSeadragon.ControlAnchor.TOP_LEFT});
elt = document.getElementById("piechartLegend");
elt.innerHTML = "";
let markerData = undefined, sectorsPropertyName = undefined;
for (let [uid, numPoints] of Object.entries(glUtils._numPoints)) {
if (glUtils._usePiechartFromMarker[uid]) {
markerData = dataUtils.data[uid]["_processeddata"];
sectorsPropertyName = dataUtils.data[uid]["_pie_col"];
if (markerData == undefined || sectorsPropertyName == undefined) return;
let table = HTMLElementUtils.createElement({ kind: "table" });
table.style.borderSpacing = "3px";
table.style.borderCollapse = "separate";
table.style.fontSize = "10px";
let title = HTMLElementUtils.createElement({ kind: "div", innerHTML: "<b>Piechart legend</b>"});
let sectors = [];
const numSectors = markerData[sectorsPropertyName][0].split(";").length;
if (sectorsPropertyName.split(";").length == numSectors) {
sectors = sectorsPropertyName.split(";"); // Use sector labels from CSV header
} else {
for (let i = 0; i < numSectors; i++) {
sectors.push("Sector " + (i+1)); // Assign default sector labels
sectors.forEach(function (sector, index) {
let row = HTMLElementUtils.createElement({ kind: "tr"});
row.style.paddingBottom = "4px";
let colortd = HTMLElementUtils.createElement({ kind: "td", innerHTML: " "});
colortd.style.backgroundColor = glUtils._piechartPalette[index % glUtils._piechartPalette.length];
colortd.style.maxWidth = "70px";
colortd.style.borderWidth= "1px";
colortd.style.borderColor= "black";
colortd.style.borderStyle= "solid";
let labeltd = HTMLElementUtils.createElement({ kind: "td", innerHTML: " " + sector});
/** Adding piechart table on pickup */
markerUtils.makePiechartTable = function(uid, markerIndex, sectorsPropertyName) {
const markerData = dataUtils.data[uid]["_processeddata"];
let sectors = [];
const numSectors = markerData[sectorsPropertyName][markerIndex].split(";").length;
if (sectorsPropertyName.split(";").length == numSectors) {
sectors = sectorsPropertyName.split(";"); // Use sector labels from CSV header
} else {
for (let i = 0; i < numSectors; i++) {
sectors.push("Sector " + (i+1)); // Assign default sector labels
let outText = "";
if (dataUtils.data[uid]["_tooltip_fmt"]) {
outText += "<b>" + markerUtils.getMarkerTooltip(uid, markerIndex) + ":</b><br/>";
let sectorValues = markerData[sectorsPropertyName][markerIndex].split(";");
let sortedSectors = [];
sectors.forEach(function (sector, index) {
sortedSectors.push([parseFloat(sectorValues[index]), sector, index])
function cmp(a, b) {
return b[0]-a[0];
sortedSectors.forEach(function (sector) {
outText += "<span style='border:2px solid " + glUtils._piechartPalette[sector[2] % glUtils._piechartPalette.length] + ";padding:3px;margin:2px;display: inline-block;'>" + sector[1] + ": " + (sector[0] * 100).toFixed(1) + " %</span> ";
return outText;
/** Get tooltip format on pickup */
markerUtils.getMarkerTooltip = function(uid, markerIndex) {
// "{tab}","{key}","{name}","{index}","{color}", "{col_...}"
const formatString = dataUtils.data[uid]["_tooltip_fmt"];
const tabName = interfaceUtils.getElementById(uid + "_marker-tab-name").textContent;
const markerData = dataUtils.data[uid]["_processeddata"];
const keyName = dataUtils.data[uid]["_gb_col"];
const keyVal = (keyName != null) ? markerData[keyName][markerIndex] : undefined;
const nameName = dataUtils.data[uid]["_gb_name"];
const nameVal = (nameName != null) ? markerData[nameName][markerIndex] : undefined;
const colName = dataUtils.data[uid]["_cb_col"];
const colVal = (colName != null) ? markerData[colName][markerIndex] : undefined;
var returnString = formatString;
if (returnString == "") {
if (keyVal !== undefined) {
return keyVal;
else if (colName !== undefined) {
return colVal;
returnString=returnString.replace('{index}', markerIndex);
returnString=returnString.replace('{tab}', tabName);
returnString=returnString.replace('{key}', keyVal);
returnString=returnString.replace('{name}', nameVal);
returnString=returnString.replace('{color}', colVal);
for (var header of dataUtils.data[uid]["_csv_header"]) {
var headerVal = markerData[header][markerIndex];
returnString=returnString.replace('{col_'+header+'}', headerVal);
return returnString;